Christmas is one of the most important celebrations for Christians in Southern Maryland and around the world. It comes during the same time of year of Hanukkah, Kwanza and around the corner from Milad un Nabi. But it can also be a time of stress, rushing, pressure and endless tasks to complete. This can lead to tension and angry outbursts in the parking lot looking for the last space or in the post office’s endless line.
Here are a few tips guaranteed to decrease the stress and increase the courtesy and holiday cheer you experience and express this season.
Send Holiday Cards or Not – If you can’t make it happen – Don’t. Send New Year’s cards, or express love with a Valentine’s Day card to all your friends in family. Sure, they want to hear from you but not at the risk of your sanity. If you send holiday cards make the message brief and commit to call your loved ones in the New Year to catch up.
Give Everyone the Same Gift – Simplify gift giving. Our family gave pajamas one year to all family members. Slippers work, the latest best seller, a new coffee cup or a new Keurig if you want to go high end are great gifts.
Go Ahead and Re-gift – If someone gives you something you can’t use or don’t care for, it’s okay to re-gift it later, as long as you don’t give it back to the original person.
Go to the Holiday Party but Keep Your Job- You can have fun at the office party, but don’t forget where you are. It is never okay to drink too much, get too chummy or loud. Remember you need to keep your job in the New Year.
Plan for Christmas Dinner not the Last Supper – Avoid the stress of Christmas dinner with your in-laws where you are constantly correcting your children on their table manners. Review simple manners with them beforehand. Chew with your mouth close. Don’t reach for food. Wait to be served. Use your napkin and silverware. If you don’t like it, eat what you like and be polite.
Send that Thank You Note Before You Forget- As soon as possible after the holiday, send a thank you card to anyone who has given you a gift, hosted an event that you attended or done something special for you. And remember, that Skyped phone call with Grandma where you mentioned your love for her gift does not replace a handwritten note.
Show Gratitude – Be grateful for anything someone gives you. Keep in mind that the person took time to think about you. Keep a list of all the gifts or gestures of kindness you have received, review them each day when you wake up in the morning. By Christmas Eve, you will be amazed at how blessed you are.
Start a Tradition- It is amazing what children remember from one year to the next. I find it is the little things; drinking hot chocolate on the beach, spreading reindeer food the night before Christmas for the reindeer to eat when Santa visits or writing a letter to St. Nick.
Forget that extra gift and give your children your time. Giving them your time without your phone in your hand shows you value them, it gives them confidence and that is the best gift and way to truly make the season a success.